Encouraging Excellence in Education

Brian Hazeltine
I am passionate about education and about Christian education in particular. Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Though He was referring to Himself, I believe the principle applies to all truth. Truth is by its nature liberating. Regardless of the subject matter, when we understand truth we are equipped to interact with the world and change it for the better.
Having spent most of my career in Christian education, I have become convinced that there is no better way to make disciples than to have dedicated role models sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for God's truth in a Christian school. And in my view, there is no greater privilege than leading men and women in the cause of Christian education.
I consider certain principles to be fundamental to Christian education...
1. What we believe about life and its purpose makes a difference. What we believe about the nature of the teacher, the student, and the learning process will affect every facet of education. Even the most mundane task is transformed when viewed through the lens of a Christian worldview.
2. Nothing has been taught unless something has been learned. Teaching is a transactional process like selling and buying; the former requires the latter. If it wasn't bought, it wasn't sold; if it wasn't learned, then it wasn't taught. Teaching is simply causing learning to happen.
3. A teacher's primary task is to teach students, not subjects. This does not mean that a teacher can neglect subject matter. On the contrary, the teacher must understand both subject and students well in order to ensure that learning happens.
4. Excellence does not happen without persistent effort. It requires an obsessive focus on quality over quantity over a sustained period of time.
5. Christian schools stand or fall on how they implement policies for hiring, enrollment, and finance. All other policies are secondary to these three. Successful Christian schools have great teachers, enroll students who fit the mission statement, and manage their money well. In my experience, dealing with the money is the most important of all because failure here inevitably leads to failure in the other two areas.
Having spent most of my career in Christian education, I have become convinced that there is no better way to make disciples than to have dedicated role models sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for God's truth in a Christian school. And in my view, there is no greater privilege than leading men and women in the cause of Christian education.
I consider certain principles to be fundamental to Christian education...
1. What we believe about life and its purpose makes a difference. What we believe about the nature of the teacher, the student, and the learning process will affect every facet of education. Even the most mundane task is transformed when viewed through the lens of a Christian worldview.
2. Nothing has been taught unless something has been learned. Teaching is a transactional process like selling and buying; the former requires the latter. If it wasn't bought, it wasn't sold; if it wasn't learned, then it wasn't taught. Teaching is simply causing learning to happen.
3. A teacher's primary task is to teach students, not subjects. This does not mean that a teacher can neglect subject matter. On the contrary, the teacher must understand both subject and students well in order to ensure that learning happens.
4. Excellence does not happen without persistent effort. It requires an obsessive focus on quality over quantity over a sustained period of time.
5. Christian schools stand or fall on how they implement policies for hiring, enrollment, and finance. All other policies are secondary to these three. Successful Christian schools have great teachers, enroll students who fit the mission statement, and manage their money well. In my experience, dealing with the money is the most important of all because failure here inevitably leads to failure in the other two areas.
About the Author
- B.Ed. from the University of Saskatchewan
- M.A. from Grace Theological Seminary
- Ed.D. from Walden University
- 40 years of experience with Christian schools as a teacher, principal, superintendent,
- Special Appointment Professor for Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids,
- Available to support Christian School administrators and their boards
- Particular expertise in Christian School leadership, finance, organization, and strategic planning
- Email: [email protected]